"The Lap Counter is a plastic tray and a neat kitchen facility, which gives you the mobility to peel, chop, slice fruits and vegetables almost anywhere in the house. It’s ergonomically shaped to fit the lap of the sitting person and it’s molded for both a container and a working surface. It will barely sit on your drying rack or fit in your washing machine, so it’s better thinking in the direction of assembling different modules, but besides that the Lap Counter is a brilliant facility for your prep cooking comfort." by Toman Kral
... because peeling potatoes is really boring
2. Bullet Bracelet

... because I like looking like a scary designer and wearing head to toe black just isn't intimidating enough anymore.
3. Soil Lamp

"Free and environmentally friendly energy forever and ever. The lamp runs on mud. The metabolism of biological life produces enough electricity to keep a LED lamp burning. The mud is enclosed in various cells. These cells contain copper and zinc that conduct the electricity. The more cells there are, the more electricity the generate. This technique offers a wealth of possibilities. The only thing the lamp needs is a splash of water every now and then." by mariekestaps
... because I hate power cords and I like sleeping with the lights on. plus I am curious to know the scalability of this product, for example is it possible to have a street light that plugs directly into the ground?
4. Lazarus Wine

Grown and cultivated by the blind.
... because I am a sucker for packaging and this one is niiiiiice.
5. A Magic Wand

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